Lt. Starbuck watched his friend, Captain Apollo. Or rather, he watched Apollo watching him. He smiled to himself. For the last several sectares he'd had the growing suspicion that Apollo's feelings for him went beyond friendship. He was beginning to believe that Apollo was attracted to him. He was certainly attracted to Apollo - had been ever since they were young cadets in the Academy. The problem was that Apollo was always very serious, part of being the Commander's son, Starbuck assumed. He had become even more serious since the destruction of the colonies and the deaths of his mother, brother and wife. Becoming an instant parent hadn't helped, though Starbuck had to admit to being fond of Boxey himself. But all the responsibilities left Apollo with little time or inclination for some good old-fashioned fun, especially fun of the sexual kind. Even if Apollo acknowledged his attraction to his wingman, Starbuck was afraid he'd never actually do anything about it. Maybe he could change that. He and Apollo were together quite often - on patrol, during briefings, playing Triad, relaxing in the Officer's Club after missions. What he wanted to do was get up close and personal with his friend - make certain that Apollo couldn't help but notice him. Maybe tease him a little. His first opportunity to do so was that afternoon's triad match. During the game, he stumbled slightly, and fell. Apollo immediately signalled to stop the game and hurried over to him. "Are you all right?" he asked in obvious concern. "I'm fine, Apollo," Starbuck replied, but when he got up, he winced a little. Seeing that Apollo was apparently worried about him, he exaggerated a little. "Ouch!" he exclaimed, then added, "I think I sprained my ankle." The game was called off, and Apollo helped Starbuck off the court. Starbuck couldn't help but smile a little at the opportunity to lean on his friend's shoulder. Of course, it didn't hurt that the Triad uniform left little to the imagination. It covered very little of his body. He had to see a doctor, of course, and Salik gave his opinion that the ankle was probably not sprained, just twisted a little, but he wrapped it and gave Starbuck some mild painkillers. Then Starbuck got Apollo to 'help' him undress and get into the shower. In the shower, Starbuck took every chance he could get to show off his naked body. He deliberately dropped the soap a few times so that he could bend over and pick it up - while Apollo had a good view, of course. When they were finished, Starbuck hobbled out of the shower on his own and sat down on a bench. He started trying to rub the sore ankle but seemed to be having trouble reaching it. "Guess I'm not as young as I used to be," he commented. "What was that?" Apollo asked. "I'm getting old, Apollo. I can't even bend over far enough to give myself a good foot massage," Starbuck replied. Apollo came over and sat in front of his wingman, and started massaging his foot and ankle. "That better?" he asked. "Much," smiled Starbuck. "Thanks. But really, a couple of yahrens ago I would never have missed that shot, let alone sprained my ankle. I can't pretend I don't hear what the younger guys are saying about me." "What have they been saying?" Apollo inquired curiously. "That I'm getting old! I'm out of shape. The body is not as beautiful as it once was," Starbuck said sadly. The Captain laughed. "Your body is just fine, Starbuck." "You think so?" the blond man asked, unable to keep the smile from his face. "Yes, I think so." "Aw, thanks, Apollo. Hey, do you think Daran might be interested in me?" "Daran? You think Daran is interested in you? What gave you that idea?" "He always watches me at practices. He always tries to find something nice to say to me, like 'good shot' or 'great game' or something. I thought maybe he had a crush on me. It's kind of flattering." "I didn't know you swung that way, Bucko." "Where have you been, Pol? Okay, I haven't really been with a guy since the Academy, but that's because I just never found anyone that interested me enough. There have always been plenty of women around to make up for it." "And you find Daran interesting?" asked Apollo carefully. Starbuck grinned. "Well, he's cute. Kind of young, though." "Like that ever stopped you before," commented Apollo, finishing the massage. Starbuck rose to get dressed and stumbled slightly - right in front of Apollo, of course. The Captain caught him and held him just a micron longer than necessary. Starbuck noticed, but all he said was, "Thanks, Pol." "You're welcome." A few days later, the Lieutenant approached Apollo after patrol. "Hey, Apollo, do you want to go dancing on the Rising Star with me tonight?" "Wouldn't you rather go with Cassiopia, or maybe Daran?" his wingman wanted to know. Aha. Apollo was jealous. "Cassie and I aren't really seeing each other these days. As for Daran, that turned out to be more a case of hero worship than actual attraction. He's a nice kid, though," Starbuck added. He noticed what looked like a relieved look on Apollo's face. "It's been awhile since I went dancing," the Captain commented. "I'd like that. Sure your ankle is up to it?" "Ankle's just fine. So, meet me in the shuttle bay at 2200?" The two warriors were very popular on the Rising Star. It wasn't hard to find willing dance partners of either gender. Apollo stuck to women, but Starbuck danced with both males and females, though he and Apollo both took women back to their table. The four of them chatted politely for awhile, though Starbuck found both women intensely boring. He decided to liven things up a bit. "Apollo, do you remember the dance classes we had at the Academy?' "You took dance at the Academy?" one of the women, whose name was Sarita, asked in surprise. Apollo chuckled. "Yes, our instructors thought we should learn a few social graces along with our flight training. And dance is good exercise - it was part of our physical training." "They also thought it would be a good way to learn things like physical coordination, following instructions, and working with a partner," Starbuck put in. "And there weren't many girls in our class, so Apollo and I had to dance with each other. Do you remember the Caprican Two Step, Apollo?" "How could I forget?" laughed Apollo. Starbuck stood and offered his hand to his friend. "Want to show these ladies how it's done?" The Captain frowned. "It's been a few yahrens, Starbuck." "Come on, " Starbuck encouraged him. "I'm sure your body hasn't forgotten its moves." So Apollo followed Starbuck on to the dance floor. Taking Apollo into his arms, Starbuck was taken back to the time in the Academy when he'd first had Apollo for his dance partner. It had been hard to keep his attraction to the dark-haired boy from showing. He'd had to make some rapid adjustments to his clothing to hide the hard-on he'd developed as soon as he'd felt Apollo's body pressed against his. He had the feeling he was going to have to do that again tonight. Not that he would mind if Apollo noticed his erection - he just didn't want the entire ship to see it too. But if Apollo noticed, he didn't say anything. Frac. What did Starbuck have to do to get this man's attention? But Apollo had noticed. He just didn't want to jump Starbuck in the middle of the dance floor on the Rising Star. Besides, he figured that Starbuck was probably drunk. But the next day when they went on patrol, he couldn't help but notice that Starbuck made a rather elaborate show of undressing before getting into his pressure suit. And when their patrol was over, Starbuck took off his suit, but didn't get dressed right away. In fact, he spent quite some time just walking around the locker room naked, discussing the mission in a simple matter of fact way, as if he always walked around with no clothes on. Maybe he did. After all, when you lived in communal quarters with dozens of other warriors, privacy was rare and modesty didn't last long. Since Apollo was a family man, he had his own quarters, and didn't spend much time in Bachelor Officer's Quarters. The same thing happened after their next Triad match. Starbuck came out of the showers and wandered around the locker room wearing nothing but a rather skimpy towel. Apollo couldn't deny that Starbuck had a very nice body. He'd meant it when he'd said Starbuck's body was perfectly fine - in fact, it was more than fine. Starbuck, meanwhile, had just about given up. Nothing he'd tried seemed to have worked on Apollo. No amount of flirting, showing off, or teasing had made Apollo look at him any differently. He must have misjudged his friend's intentions. As he walked Apollo back to his quarters, he wondered if he could go back to just being friends with the Captain, and nothing else. He supposed he would have to. It wasn't like he had much of a choice. They stopped outside the cabin door, and Starbuck was about to say goodnight, when Apollo asked him, "Do you want to come in for a bit?" With a shrug, Starbuck accepted. As he walked in, Apollo grabbed him, shoved him none too gently against a wall, and kissed him like there was no tomorrow. When they broke apart, gasping for air, Starbuck asked, "So, what was that all about?" Apollo's mouth dropped open. How could Starbuck not know ? Then he realized his friend was teasing him again. "You have been driving me mad for the past secton," he growled. "I figured it was time to do something about it." "Only a secton?" Starbuck inquired before kissing him. "Actually, you've been driving me mad for yahrens," Apollo replied. "Since the Academy. Do you know the first time I danced with you in Physical Training I had to adjust my clothes so nobody would see the hard-on I had because of you?" "You too, huh?" Apollo took his new lover into his arms and held him tightly. "How long have we been fooling ourselves?" "Too long. But not any longer." "You have that right," Apollo stated as he led Starbuck to the bedroom. As they made love for the first time, Starbuck couldn't help but compare it to the times the two of them had danced together. Two bodies moving together as one, only this time it was to a rhythm they created themselves, rather than to a piece of music that came from outside. When they were finished and lying in each others' arms, Starbuck brought up the subject that had been weighing heavily on his mind since he had begun his attempt at seducing Apollo. "Pol - what happens now?" "What do you mean?" asked his lover, confused. "I mean - do we ever do this again? Was this a one time thing? Do we keep chasing women, or do you want to be exclusive?" He didn't ask, Do you love me? But it was what he really wanted to know. Apollo looked deep into his eyes. "Starbuck, you must know by now that I don't give my heart, or my body, easily. And now that I've given them to you, I don't plan to give either of them to anyone else. They're yours, if you want them - both of them." To Starbuck, it sounded like a promise, and more than he had ever hoped for. But he wanted to be absolutely clear. "Apollo, what are saying?" he asked. "I am saying that I love you, and I want us to be lovers, and more than that - I want us to be together permanently. Life mates. That is, if that's what you want." Starbuck grabbed him in a fierce embrace. "Apollo, that is everything that I have ever wanted. I love you." END