Apollo sat in the lounge on the Rising Star and watched Starbuck chatting up a woman at a nearby table. At times like this he tried to remind himself that no matter who Starbuck chatted to or drank with, it was Apollo he would go home with, and Apollo's bed he would sleep in. *Their* bed, the Captain mentally chastised himself. So really, he didn't have anything to worry about. But still, it bothered him sometimes when Starbuck was so friendly to other people, especially women. The two of them hadn't been lovers for very long - only a few sectons. Sometimes Apollo wondered if Starbuck would want to go back to dating women again one day. As far as he knew, he was Starbuck's first male lover. They'd confessed their feelings for each other after both warriors had been haunted by nightmares about the other. Starbuck's dreams had been about Apollo's death at the hands of Count Iblis, and Apollo's had been about the time Starbuck had gone missing after being captured by the Cylons. Starbuck left his new friend and returned to Apollo. "Who was that?" Apollo asked, hoping that he didn't sound as jealous as he felt. "Her name's Chelle," the Lieutenant answered. "She's Cullen's sister." "Cullen from the Academy?" "Yeah, you remember him? A member of the best Triad team that ever lived, except for you and me of course." Starbuck sighed. "He was on the Atlantia." Both of them knew what that meant - Cullen hadn't survived the Destruction. "So the two of you were what, reminiscing?" "I guess you could call it that. Cullen was at the Academy or away on the Atlantia for most of the last few yahrens before the Destruction, and Chelle feels like she missed a lot of his life. I was telling her what I remember about him. Maybe you could talk to her too," Starbuck suggested. "I didn't know him that well," Apollo demurred. He noticed that Starbuck had taken his hand. The other man did that sometimes: reached over and took his hand or put an arm around his shoulders when they were together in public. It was almost as if he were saying, 'This man is *mine*.' At first the public displays of affection had made him slightly uncomfortable, but he had soon realized that Starbuck did it because he loved him. The very fact that Starbuck returned his love still amazed Apollo sometimes. "What did you tell her about him?" "I told her that her brother was a hero. After all, he was a Warrior, and aren't all Warriors heros? Chelle's a cadet herself." "Sounds like you got to know her pretty well," Apollo observed, hating the tone of disapproval that he could hear creeping into his voice. "You're jealous," Starbuck noted. He didn't sound upset; he simply stated the obvious. "No I'm not," his lover replied, embarrassed. Starbuck smiled. "Pol," he said tolerantly, "I love you. Only you. I'm not chasing any women, no matter how pretty they are." Apollo leaned forward and kissed him. "I know. I love you, too." "Boxey's with Athena tonight, right? Let's go back to our quarters and I'll show you just how much I love you," Starbuck proposed. The Captain jumped up and followed his lover. A few days later, Starbuck and Apollo were just finishing up on the Triad court when they saw a familiar figure watching them. "That's Cadet Chelle, isn't it?" Apollo asked his partner. "Yeah, I told her I'd meet her for a drink after we were done practice for today." "You're having a drink with her?" Apollo was surprised. "Why?" "Why not?" Starbuck asked rhetorically. "She's a nice girl, and I was friends with her brother." "No reason," Apollo answered quickly. "Just wondered. She probably has a crush on you." "A crush on me?" Starbuck laughed. "Yes, a crush on you. After all, you're a great warrior and a very attractive man." Starbuck kissed him. "And I'm all yours, Pol. Don't you forget it." Another few days later... "Where were you?" Apollo demanded as his lover came through the door of their quarters. Starbuck looked at the time. "Frack," he swore. "I'm sorry, Pol. I didn't mean to be late. I got caught up in a Pyramid game with Bojay. I was showing him my latest system." "Is that all you were showing him?" Apollo asked. "Huh?" Starbuck was surprised at the coldness in Apollo's tone. "What the frack are you talking about, Pol?" "You're pretty friendly with Bojay, aren't you?" "Sure I'm friendly with him. We were friends when he was still part of our squadron, before he got transferred to the Pegasus." "Were you sleeping with him back then, too?" Apollo wanted to know. "Sleeping with Bojay? I didn't sleep with him then and I'm not sleeping with him now. Where did all this come from?" "I'm sorry, Star. I don't know what's got into me. I just love you so much. I couldn't stand it if I lost you." Starbuck took Apollo into his arms. "I love you, Apollo. The only way you could lose me would be if you sent me away. I'm not going to leave you, not voluntarily. I don't want anyone but you. Understand?" "I understand. I love you, Star. Will you come to bed with me? I want to be close to you." "Weren't we supposed to meet Boomer and his new lady for dinner?" "I'll cancel it. I just want to be with you right now," Apollo told him. He was still feeling a bit troubled by Apollo's behaviour, but Starbuck followed his lover to bed. Maybe in bed he could reassure Apollo of his love and fidelity. It couldn't hurt to try. Later, when they were lying spent in bed, Starbuck reluctantly brought up the subject that was on his mind. "Pol?" "Mmm?" "We need to talk." "About what?" Apollo wanted to know. "This jealousy, this possessiveness. I don't understand where it's coming from." This was the last thing Apollo wanted to discuss, but he knew he owed Starbuck an explanation. He sighed. "Look, Star, you have to realize that you do carry a bit of a reputation. You know how you were with Athena and Cassie, not to mention all the women you went through before them. When I see you with a woman, or another man, I start wondering if you're going to start something with them. Maybe I'm being unrealistic to expect you to confine yourself to one person." "I'll admit that I do have that reputation," Starbuck answered him. "But like I told you when we first got together, I was never in love before. I wasn't in love with any of those women. The reason I played around so much was that I knew there was something I was missing, and I kept trying to find it. I found it with you, Pol. I don't need anyone else." He frowned. "It really hurts that you don't trust me." "I'm sorry, love. The last thing I want is to hurt you. I guess I just need some time to get used to the idea that you really want me and no one else." Starbuck hoped that he didn't need too much time. He didn't know how much longer he'd be able to tolerate his mate's behaviour. For the next few days Apollo tried to control his jealousy, but every time he saw Starbuck look or smile at someone, the old feelings returned. The doubts refused to go away. How could Starbuck want him, Apollo, when there were so many other attractive men and women to choose from? Surely the Lieutenant didn't want to be tied down with a child. Starbuck had always been good to Boxey, but he'd never actually had to live with him or be his parent. Things finally came to a head one night when Starbuck announced, "Hey, Pol, I told Chelle that I'd help her with some simulator exercises tonight. We'll probably grab dinner after we're through, so don't bother keeping anything warm for me." "You're going out with Chelle?" Apollo asked suspiciously. "Going out? No, we're just running some simulator exercises. We might grab something to eat afterwards. It's not like it's a date or anything." "It's not?" Apollo still sounded suspicious. "Pol, I am getting very tired of having to reassure you that I'm not sneaking around behind your back." "No, you're not sneaking around behind my back. You're being very open about your relationship with this new 'friend' of yours, and I don't like it." Starbuck mentally counted to ten before he replied. "I'm sorry that you don't like it, but she asked for my help and I'm giving it to her. If it makes you feel any better, I won't have dinner with her." "If you want to make me feel better, you won't see her at all." "That's not an option, Pol." "This is your option. Either you go out and spend time with your pretty little girlfriend, or you stay home with me and Boxey. Your choice." "So what you're saying is, if I go and help Chelle with her simulator runs, I shouldn't bother coming back?" "What I'm saying is that if you walk out that door, you'd better take your things with you because I'm not letting you back in." "That's it, is it? That's your ultimatum?" Starbuck asked sadly. "Take it or leave it," Apollo told him. "Fine," Starbuck muttered. He went to the bedroom and removed the few things he'd brought with him when he'd moved in. "I'm sorry it has to end this way, Pol. For what it's worth, I still love you. I always will." He walked out the door and out of Apollo's life. Apollo managed to stay angry for a few centares after Starbuck left. Boxey arrived home after spending some time with one of his school friends, and the first thing he asked was, "Where's Starbuck?" That was when Apollo realized that his lover wasn't coming back. "Starbuck left, Boxey." "When's he coming back?" "He's not coming back," Apollo told his son. "Why not?" Boxey wanted to know. "I told him not to." "Why did you tell him not to come back?" "I was mad at him." "So go find him and tell him you're sorry and you want him to come back," Boxey suggested. "I can't do that, Boxey." "Why not? If I get mad at my friends and say mean things to them, you always tell me I should get over it and say I'm sorry." "It's a grownup thing. You wouldn't understand." "Grownups are weird," Boxey told Muffit as he went to his room to do his homework. Apollo and Starbuck managed to avoid each other for the next several days. They switched patrols with other squadron members so that they didn't have to fly together. They avoided any social events that they thought the other might attend. They were both completely miserable. For his part, Apollo wondered if he'd reacted too harshly. He hadn't had any proof that Starbuck was cheating on him with Chelle or anyone else. He began to fear that he was becoming irrational. All he could think of was that he wasn't good enough for his friend and he didn't deserve his love. A few days after the breakup, the dreams began again. The dreams were different than they had been before. Starbuck's dream started out the same: Apollo was killed by Count Iblis. However, Apollo was resurrected the way he had been in real life, but for some reason Starbuck couldn't reach him. He kept calling his wingmate's name, but Apollo didn't answer. Instead, he turned and walked away, never to return. In Apollo's dream, he was the one who sent Starbuck on the deadly patrol. He told him that Serena was his new wingmate and that he didn't want to be friends anymore. He then used his rank as Captain to force Starbuck to go out and face the Cylons alone, a mission from which the Lieutenant didn't come back. Each of them woke from these dreams calling the other's name. After several nights of this, as well as several days of avoiding any contact with his former wingmate and best friend, Apollo was more convinced than ever that he'd made the biggest mistake of his life. But he didn't know how to undo it. Surely Starbuck wouldn't take him back after the way he'd acted. And even if he did, how could he prevent it from happening again? How long before his jealousy drove them apart again? In the Bachelor Officers' Quarters, Starbuck's fellow Warriors were almost at their wits' end. Every sleep period Starbuck would have his dreams, and he would start calling out Apollo's name. He usually succeeded in waking up several of the others when he did so. They would try to wake him before he got to the stage at which he started to call for Apollo, but couldn't, no matter how hard they tried. One night after this had been going on for a couple of sectons, Apollo had the dream again as usual, but this time instead of waking up in his quarters, he opened his eyes to discover he was on one of the Light ships. "Welcome, Captain Apollo," one of the beings of Light greeted him. "What am I doing here?" Apollo asked slightly fearfully. The last time he'd been here, he'd been dead. "We thought you might need our help," the being replied. "Your help with what?" "With Starbuck. We saw that you and he were having trouble. We sent you the dreams before to try to bring the two of you together, but they don't seem to be working this time." "We suspect there's been some outside interference," another one added. "Interference?" Apollo asked in confusion. This was getting too bizarre for his liking. "There are others like us who work for the Dark," the first Light being told Apollo. "One of them has been influencing you against your will. That would be why you've been having these irrational fits of jealousy." "Beings like you who work for the Dark..." Apollo thought for a moment. "You mean like Iblis?" "Yes, like Iblis. We've put a stop to his interference. He won't bother you or your friend again." "Does this mean that Starbuck and I can get back together?" Apollo asked hopefully. "That is up to you," one of the Light beings told him. "You sent him away. You must get him back." "You must be vigilant, though, Apollo. Just because we have successfully defeated one of the Dark agents does not mean you will be free of them entirely. But you can always call on us for help." "I don't even know who you are," Apollo complained. "We are the Lords of Kobol," answered one of the Light beings. Before Apollo could say anything in response, the lights began to swirl around him and everything went dark. He awoke in his quarters to the sound of the door signal being pressed repeatedly. Opening the door, he discovered Boomer standing there. "Listen, Apollo, you have to get your astrum down to the BOQ on the double. Starbuck needs you. I'll stay here with Boxey until you get back. Don't argue," he added when Apollo opened his mouth. "Starbuck needs you, and I'm willing to bet that you need him too. Now put some clothes on and go." Seeing that Boomer wasn't about to accept anything less than complete obedience, Apollo didn't argue. He pulled on his clothes and hurried to the BOQ. He didn't know what Starbuck needed him for, but hopefully he'd find out when he got there. Maybe he could talk to his former mate, that was if Starbuck was actually willing to talk to him. He wouldn't blame the other man if he never wanted to speak to him again. When he arrived at the Bachelor Officers Quarters, a group of tired and worried warriors was waiting for him. "What's the problem?" Apollo asked. "Starbuck keeps calling for you in his sleep," Giles explained. "He's keeping the rest of us awake, and we're getting kind of worried about him." Apollo went and sat beside Starbuck's bed and waited. Soon enough, the Lieutenant started to call out his name. He shook the blond man gently. "Starbuck, wake up. I'm right here. Come on Buddy, wake up for me." Starbuck opened his eyes to see Apollo sitting beside him. He decided that he must still be dreaming; Apollo wouldn't be here otherwise. "Were you having another nightmare, love?" Apollo asked gently. He mentally kicked himself for using the term of endearment. It had slipped out before he'd realized it. Starbuck didn't dare say anything. He was afraid if he tried to speak he'd wake up and Apollo would be gone. Finally, he settled for a nod. Why didn't Starbuck talk to him? Apollo wondered. Was he still half asleep? Had the dream frightened him so much he couldn't talk? "The other guys heard you calling for me," Apollo told Starbuck. "I think you're keeping them awake." He badly wanted to touch Starbuck but didn't know how he would react if he did. Starbuck wondered what would happen if he tried to touch this 'dream Apollo.' Would he disappear like he had in all of the other dreams? He wanted to touch him so badly. Finally he reached out and tentatively lay his hand on top of Apollo's. So far, so good. Apollo was still here. Feeling Starbuck's hand on his, he entwined their fingers together. "I don't know why you're not saying anything, Star, but maybe this will give me a chance to say some things. I want to tell you how sorry I am for the way I've been acting. I let all of my fears and insecurities get in the way of what's important - my love for you. The light ships came back, Star. I was on one. The Lords of Kobol are on that ship, love. They told me that Iblis - or someone who's like Iblis, who serves the Dark - has been interfering in our relationship. Somehow he managed to find all the nasty things that were lurking in the corners of my mind and brought them all out. I won't say that I wouldn't have had those fears anyway, but maybe I wouldn't have taken all of them out on you. I don't know if you can ever forgive me, Star. I treated you like felgercarb and you didn't deserve any of it. I am so sorry. Is there any chance of our getting back together?" /I wish this wasn't a dream/ Starbuck thought to himself. /If only Apollo was really here and really saying those things./ He was very sleepy. His eyelids began to droop. Apollo could see that Starbuck was starting to fall back asleep, but he hadn't let go of Apollo's hand. Maybe he could just stay there while the one he loved slept. Maybe his being there would keep the bad dreams away. Starbuck looked so vulnerable when he was asleep. Apollo loved to watch him when he was like that. Impulsively, he leaned forward and kissed him. Starbuck's eyes flew open. To his surprise, Apollo was right there, still leaning over him. This couldn't be a dream. All the stories said that a kiss made sleeping people wake up, and he was quite certain he was awake now. And yet Apollo was still there. "Apollo?" he whispered. "I'm right here, love. I'm sorry, I shouldn't call you that. I don't have that right anymore." "Did you really say all those things about being sorry for the way you treated me and wanting us to be together again?" Starbuck asked. He was so afraid it had all been a dream. "I did," Apollo answered. "I know I don't have any right to ask you any of that. I wouldn't blame you if you wanted me out of your life for good. I wish I could change the past, but I can't. All I can do is promise you that if you give me a chance, I'll do my best to make up for everything I put you through. I still love you, Star. I will always love you." In response, Starbuck wrapped his arms around Apollo's neck, hauled him down to the bed and kissed him hard. "It wasn't a dream," he murmured. "You're really here. I love you, Pol. I love you so much." "Will you come home?" Apollo asked hopefully. Starbuck didn't say a word. He simply got out of bed, dressed and gathered his things. When Apollo and Starbuck arrived at their quarters, Boomer got up from the couch. "Good," he said when he saw them together. "Now maybe I can get some sleep." As he walked out the door, he added, "Although I get the feeling that the two of you won't be getting much sleep tonight." END